Chronic Wounds

Mobile Wound Care & Wound Care Specialist located in Greater Phoenix, AZ

Chronic Wounds services offered in Greater Phoenix, Peoria, AZ

Chronic wounds can be painful, disfiguring, and open to infection, with tissue deterioration descending into the bone in severe cases. If you have a wound that didn’t heal in four weeks, contact Annette Kietur, M.Ed., MSN, FNP-C, WCC, DAPWCA, at Getting Well in Peoria, Arizona. Annette provides mobile wound care, visiting patients at home to deliver specialized treatment if needed. Call the office to arrange a wound evaluation or book an appointment online today.

Chronic Wounds Q & A

What are chronic wounds?

Chronic wounds are open sores on your skin that don’t show any signs of healing after 4-6 weeks.They require comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the normal healing processes by the treating provider.

Types of chronic wounds include:

  • Venous stasis ulcers
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Arterial (ischemic) ulcers
  • Pressure injuries (decubitus ulcers)
  • Post-surgical wound complications
  • Radiation wounds
  • Non-healing traumatic wounds

Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, a wound exposes the patient to potential complications such as infection. Wound care specialists seek to prevent any side effects by implementing evidence-based practice and current protocols for wound care. At Getting Well, Annette specializes in helping wounds heal, preventing infection and helping people avoid limb loss.

Why would I have a chronic wound?

Chronic wounds can develop for many reasons. The blood supply to your legs and feet might be inadequate because of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Or, you may have chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which interferes with blood returning to your heart from your leg veins. 

You might not eat enough to heal a wound, or there may be external interferences to the wound, as well. Sometimes after surgery patients develop problems with their incisions, for example, a new allergy to suture material as the cause. 

Usually, a chronic wound stalls in the inflammatory stage (a normal part of healing). This can happen for numerous reasons, including:

  • Using the wrong products
  • Increased swelling
  • Foreign objects (hair or sutures)
  • Decreased blood flow
  • Poor nutrition
  • Some medications

These are just a few reasons why wounds don’t heal.

How are chronic wounds treated?

The wound treatment you need can vary depending on the type of wound, its severity, and whether it’s infected. Annette at Getting Well creates a personalized treatment plan based on your needs.

The most important step of this process is assessment: the circumstance causing the wound, you (the person with the wound), as well as what treatments have already been implemented.

Then, she cleans and debrides the wound. Debridement removes all dead, unhealthy tissue, and cleansing ensures no bacteria can cause an infection.

Next, Annette applies specialty dressings and wraps. These dressings keep the wounds clean, prevent infection, and promote healing. Compression therapy is also vital. Annette uses products and bandaging techniques that provide the optimal degree of pressure, improving circulation without restricting it.

Call Getting Well for expert care of chronic wounds or book an appointment online today.